Judges Test
- Judges are required to successfully complete the Judge’s Certification test
- Each applicant shall take the test online.
- The fee to take the Level 1 test is $35.00, the Level 2 test is $40.
- Once we receive your fee, and you are ready to take the test, notify
Frank Turben at turben@extremecowboyassociation.com or 602.531.3383. Then the test will be set up & you will have 60 minutes to take the test.
- A score of 90% or higher is required for the Level 1 test.
- A score of 94% or higher is required for the Level 2 test.
- The test will be scored and the applicant will receive notification of the test results.
- Upon successful completion of the test, the Judge will receive his/her Judge’s Card and a copy of the EXCA Rulebook.